
What’s Your Story?

Caitlin Hicks offers a workshop

on telling our own stories

and the power of stories in our lives

Discover your essential,
your emotional, your passionate story
the story you tell again and again

A playwright and performer long before she became a novelist, Caitlin Hicks shares the motivation that fuels her passion for storytelling in a seminar called What’s Your Story? She discusses how emotional resonance in your work brings it to an essential level of engagement with the reader, and how to get at that resonance and bring it out through your writing.

Beginning with the personal story, Hicks challenges participants to find a narrative from their own lives and to examine the assumptions this story contains.

What is your story?

What is the story that formed you and your life? What kind of influence does this story have on who you are and who you have spent your life becoming? Everyone has a backstory, a trail of formative assumptions upon which each person has built their sense of self in the world, their power, their feelings, their point of view, their voice. Discover how your beliefs and assumptions about yourself are often the foundation of your personal story.  Discover how your own story can define your life’s decisions and your sense of who you are in the world.

Hicks invites participants to find the resonant among the big and small stories of their lives, and to identify the thought processes and beliefs inherent in these stories. Participants will be triggered to hunt for the detail that finds these stories in their own lives and to dig deeply for their unique narrative, and how that personal experience plays out in their minds and in their writing.  Hicks welcomes participants to bring journal notes, photographs and pieces of memorabilia as a trigger to the discovery their unique point of view inherent in all their work. Writers with works-in-progress will examine their writing for the whisper of their backstory and to bring through the writing, the emotional resonance that underlies its inspiration.

OBJECTIVES of workshop:

To examine how personal beliefs and narratives have shaped a writer’s opportunities, successes and failures, their decisions, their regrets and especially the stories they tell. To recognize the emotional beliefs that give a writer her voice.

To provoke critical examination about lifelong assumptions and their profound influence on your thinking, your emotions, your writer’s point of view.

To write passionately with this deeper understanding of what we are satisfying, what we are fulfilling, what we are really doing, when we tell our story.

“We have, each of us, a life-story, an inner narrative — whose continuity, whose sense, is our lives. It might be said that each of us constructs and lives, a “narrative,” and that this narrative is us, our identities.”Oliver Sacks.


Is a perfect companion for Hicks’ keynote speech Why We Write.

Playwright, Performer, Author, Keynote Speaker

Hicks has been an international playwright and performer, touring her original theatrical presentations to the United States, England, Ireland, and Scotland, as well as to many cities in Canada. She’s a natural performer and loves communicating with her audiences. Her play SINGING THE BONES was adapted to the screen and premiered at The Montreal World Film Festival in 2001 and toured internationally for years to critical acclaim. In 2015 her first novel A THEORY OF EXPANDED LOVE was released in the United States and Canada and won many awards, including the international award, iBooks Best New Fiction.

For more information on Hicks as a KEYNOTE SPEAKER


If you’re interested in TELLING YOUR OWN STORY with the help of an experienced storyteller, send an email to caitlin (at) caitlinhicks (dot) com and get the conversation started. What kind of story do you want to tell? A family story? A secret story? Your life story?

When you hire Hicks to tell your story, she will spend time with you, listening and recording and taking notes, writing and editing — to capture the essence of your unique life and your special story.  You will receive your finished story back as a document.Your story can also be a podcast, once it is finished, Caitlin can consider that, and help you realize its creation.

For more information: send an email to caitlin (at) caitlinhicks (dot) com

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