Caitlin Hicks



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A Grape Drink in Phoenix

The year is 1983. Meet Karen, “Daddy’s little princess”, a successful commodities trader at The Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the mistress of Sam, a high-stakes market maker and billionaire trader in the S & P 500 pit. In this podcast, Karen recounts an incident when she was eleven that turned her life upside down.

Meet Dorothy, Sam’s wife, and the mother of their twin daughters. Imagine these two women getting to know each other as the last guests at a lavish, decadent party at Dorothy and Sam’s home. Imagine that one of these women must trust – and rely on the other — in just a few moments from now, as life takes a sudden, irrevocable turn.

In this podcast, Dorothy discovers in a quiet moment, that her life has already changed profoundly. Both women experience these moments, after which nothing will ever be ‘normal’ again.

This #podcast is part of a theatrical production called JUST A LITTLE FEVER, written by Caitlin Hicks and produced in Toronto, Vancouver and Gibsons, at the Heritage Playhouse on the Sunshine Coast.



#Podcast Sound design & Illustrations by Gord Halloran

Music in this podcast written by Rose Kirchner and used in the film SINGING THE BONES:

Other podcasts in the series SOME KINDA WOMAN, Stories of Us can be found here:

Each podcast is like a song, a short story collection of ideas and experiences we can all participate in from our own perspective. It’s a cultural invitation to further exploration for discussion; an opening to sharing your own experiences with others. To join the conversation, sign up to SOME KINDA WOMAN, Stories of Us Group Page on Facebook

And please SHARE! To receive extra content, as well as other perks related to these podcasts, while supporting their creation, both hard costs and artist’s contribution, visit:



Other episodes in the series SOME KINDA WOMAN, Stories of Us can be found here

Acclaimed debut novel

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Take my recipe, please!

Mother Marcelle's Spaghetti, as discussed in my podcast, "Some kinda woman - Stories of Us"

Sign up for podcast and writing updates and receive a copy of the infamous “Mother Marcelle’s Spaghetti” – a favourite that fed a family of 16 in the 60’s