The day was scorching and the woman’s name was Darcy, who has been delivering packages on the Sunshine Coast for about seven years. She’s really strong. The boxes were heavy. But she wrapped her arms around them and hoisted them up, like nothing. My books arrived with her, all dressed up in these excellent covers designed by Gordon Halloran. When I look at that little peanut on the cover, the attention-grabbing image of those two hands entwined, I can only be grateful and excited for these books to be born into the world. And read, and discussed, and shared.
Here’s what it looks like in my garden, blasting sunshine!
Getting ready for the Word on the Lake Writers Festival in Salmon Arm, where I will give the keynote speech at breakfast on Saturday morning. I know a number of the presenters and have some exposure to their work and was invited to perform a variety of lit jobs at the conference, (workshops, panel discussions, Open Mic, Blue Pencil). Valdy is going to be there. Theresa Kishkan and Howard White (from the Sunshine Coast)! Gail Anderson Dargatz. Deanna Kawatski, whom I have recently ‘met’ through her work, the best way to meet anyone, in my book. Kay McCracken, Shirley Dekelver, Alex Forbes, Craig Bruhanski and – after reading Deanna’s early book Wilderness Mother, her daughter, Natalia Kawatski seems like a movie star to me. These are new friends, writers and members of the Gracesprings Collective, which I am now a member.
Don’t forget! The LAUNCH takes place at The Sunshine Coast Arts Centre on Friday, June 2nd at 7 PM. I will read from both books and make you giggle.