“Can you imagine
how many kids get left behind at Disneyland every year? There have to be a few of them. Among all those hundreds of cars in the parking lot, there’s probably enough to form a club. Maybe the club could be called “The Left Behinds” or “Disney Orphans”. How many of the stories could possibly have a happy ending?
“The weird part is, when we lost Dominic, it was hours before we even realized he was gone.
“As I lay in bed, picturing Dominick’s big ears against his recently shaved buzz cut and panicked about him going missing, I got the feeling that someone was at the door to our bedroom.”
-from the novel
Today’s podcast Lost at Disneyland is an excerpt from my novel A THEORY OF EXPANDED LOVE. If you haven’t read it and you haven’t already fallen for it, it is available to order on this page, from this website as a paperback book. So you can still have some laughs and nail biting moments as a result of meeting Annie Shea in this novel! Don’t even try to resist!
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